Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rachel Writes...: The Narrow Road of Salvation

Rachel Writes...: The Narrow Road of Salvation: "Last Friday night I sat in a small, elegant prayer room, Open Door House of Prayer, in Ft. Pierce listening, tapping notes on my iPad, as a ..."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 30 update

I gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks! Scary! Doc said I was still on target but I think she was looking at prebaby weight which was 8 lbs lighter than my 10 week appointment. Oh, well...as long as we keep it under 40... Baby's heart rate was in the 140s (good) and I've been feeling just fine! He moves around a lot!

Specialist appointment today was good. Fluid measured around 9...normal-low just like 2 weeks ago. The other specialist in the office was there today and he told the technician I didn't need to come back. Yesterday, regular doc said to schedule nonstress test and AFI ultrasound in 2 weeks and then we would follow up every week with those after that so 32 weeks-birth! Better to be safe than sorry is their motto, I believe. They want to make sure the baby doesn't get stressed out living in the womb and continues to grow normally. Next appointment with regular visit, nonstress test and AFI is two weeks from today!

We move next week and things are a bit stressful but it will all be ok. Baby shower is June 20th - excited!! Time is flying!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Specialist Appt May 29th

We had normal-low fluid for the first time! It measured somewhere around 9, the highest it has ever been. Still going back in 2 weeks for check up.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

28 Weeks Today

We had our 28 week appointment today. I gained approximately 6 lbs in the last month (less than I thought actually). I had to drink orange flavored glucose for the glucose tolerance test. It tasted like flat orange soda and wasn't bad at first but was so concentrated and having to drink it all in less than 5 minutes was tough! I passed the test but am borderline anemic so they recommended an iron supplement.

I'll start going every 2 weeks now. My next appointment and ultrasound with the specialist is on Friday.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our journey

We found out that we were expecting in early December, 2008. We were so excited and it was difficult to keep the secret until Christmas. We told our families at Christmas time and waited until our first appointment at 10 weeks to share the news with friends. We had an early ultrasound (actually at 9 weeks) to determine dating and our EDD was August 20th, 2009.

I have had an easy pregnancy in that I feel pretty normal. I didn't have much of an appetite during the first trimester but was so thankful I wasn't sick or feeling too nauseous.

The BIG ultrasound happened at 20 weeks. It's a BOY! He was growing normally. There were two concerns the doctor had based on the ultrasound. The nuchal fold was measuring at 6 (5 is the top of normal range) and there was low amniotic fluid. I was told the baby is at risk for Down's Syndrome based on the higher nuchal fold measurement so I was referred to the Perinatal Center of Iowa. 2 weeks and another ultrasound later, the specialist could not find any reason to be concerned about the nuchal fold. He said it didn't look thick to him and he saw no reason for further testing. Amen! He had no explanation for the still low fluid so we now have an ultrasound every 2 weeks to monitor baby's growth and the amniotic fluid.

We are at 27 weeks along now. My next ultrasound is next week with the specialist. I'm still being seen for regular prenatal care with my OBGYN office. It has been quite the roller coaster but we are thankful our baby boy is healthy and growing normally. As for the fluid goes....I'm doing my best to drink up!